Author: collin

  • choosing colors for scientific figures

    I recently gave a short presentation on colors that was a lot of fun to put together (especially the artwork). High-level, it is meant to help scientists choose colors for their figures. More specifically, it covers: A pdf copy of the slide deck can be downloaded below for those curious 🙂

  • vintage lenses

    vintage lenses

    I am having fun with vintage film SLR lenses, which are readily adaptable to my FujiFilm X-E2. I love the photos so far. The softness due—I presume—to imperfections in the lens give the photographs a nostalgic and almost dreamy feel to them. I especially love them when coupled to Fuji’s color science. These lenses are…

  • colors

    Recently, I have been falling in love with and haunted by colors. I believe color choice in figures is an under appreciated but critical for communication of data and ideas. Colors should be good looking, accessible (including printing in greyscale well), and reflect the underlying data. In trying to understand color better, I have fallen…