Collin Holgate
what’s interesting me now
scientific publications
- “Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Molten Silicate Attack on Thermal and Environmental Barrier Coatings”
CS Holgate (2021) PhD Thesis,
University of California, Santa Barbara
open access link
- “Reactive crystalization in HfO2 exposed to molten silicates”
CS Holgate, Y Yang, and CG Levi (2021) Journal of the European Ceramic Society
open access link
- “Dissolution and diffusion kinetics of yttria-stabilized zirconia into molten silicates”
CS Holgate, GGE Seward, AR Ericks,
DL Poerschke, and CG Levi (2021)
Journal of the European Ceramic Society
open access link
Full list of scientific publications with access links.
Also find me at: Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, LinkedIn